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Hostel Accomodation
Students are provided spacious well ventilated rooms with required furniture and Individual cupboard. Adequate number of Lavatories and bathrooms are available. Cleanliness of Hostel and lavatories are given prime importance. Residing in Hostel is compulsory.
Rules of Payment of Dues
- The date for the payment of the Hostel Dues for various classes will be in between 1st to 10th of every month.
- A fine of Rs. 10/- will be charged for non- payment of dues in time.
- Non - payment of Hostel dues with in two months of the last day of payment will render the student liable to be struck off from the school rolls.
- Studentship can be restored by paying the readmission fee and arrears.
- Extension in the date for payment of dues may be granted in exceptional cases by the Director and application for the same may be made before the expiry of the due date.
- The hostel charges are subject to revision and will be applicable to new as well as senior students whenever such revision takes place.
- Hostel dues once paid will not be refunded even if the student leaves the hostel mid-session.
- The management has the right to change the rates of mess dues according to the prevalent market rates of the essential commodities.
Hostel Charges
Rules & Regulations of the Hostel
- Students should co-operate in the upkeep of the Nurses Hostel and its good name.
- Rooms should be kept clean and tidy students are fully responsible for furniture supplied to them.
- Proper locks should be put to the Cupboards Boxes, Jewellery and expensive supplied items are not permitted in hostel rooms.
- Allotment of rooms is made by the Warden but change can be made on request.
- Water in the Hostel is available for 24 Hours but wastage and carelessness will render the students to disciplinary action.
- Use of Jewellery, cosmetics & Bangles is strictly prohibited. Any student found violating the above norm would be fined Rs. 50%.
- Relatives are not permitted in the rooms.
- Students can go home for two days in a month provided they can be spared from Hospital duty and no classes are missed. Parents will have to take a prior written permission from the Principal of the Institute for this purpose which can be refused if she thinks so in the interest of studied.
Note: Failure to return in time will be dealt with seriously and strictly. Parents are requested to Cooperate.
- In sickness, Student should report to the Principal. All letters coming to the students will be censored by the Warden.
- Parents are requested to come and check the progress of the student from the Class teachers on any Saturday.
- Parent’s relatives should visit the students during visiting hours only from 9.00 A.M to 12.00 noon and 2.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M in Warden’s office on Sunday.
- If parents wish that their children can travel alone, they should give their consent in writing to the Principal.
- Training can be discontinued in case of misconduct. Food shall be provided on dining table.
- Four photographs of 4 relatives each who can visit the student in the Hostel.
- Two photographs of male relatives who may in case of emergency visit the day scholar during school hours.
- Principal and Director are fully authorized to effect change in rules and regulations at any time.